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  • 29, 2024

    2024 World Tuberculosis Day Campaign Successfully Held in Beijing

    March 24, 2024, is the 29th World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. On the preceding day, a significant promotional event for this occasion was successfully hosted at the People's Daily Health App Studio. The event was organized under the guidance of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA), led by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and the Chinese Health Education Center, with additional support from the Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Association and the Chinese Association of STD and AlDS Prevention and Control.

  • 22, 2024

    Deputy Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shi Xiaoming, Leads a Team to Research the Construction of High-Quality Academic Journals

    To further enhance the journal management level sponsored by the Center and advance high-quality academic publishing, on March 14, 2024, Deputy Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shi Xiaoming, led a team to the National Institute of Parasitic Disease, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention to research the development and construction of high-quality academic journals.

  • 19, 2024

    The Center Launches Task Force for Information Technology Construction

    On March 11, 2024, the Information Technology Construction Task Force of the Center was officially launched at the Changping Park. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Yan Jun, with Director Shen Hongbing delivering a speech and nearly 50 members of the task force in attendance.

  • 13, 2024

    National Institute for Radiological Protection Hosted 2024 National Natural Science Foundation Project Application Expert Consultation Meeting

    To rigorously advance the application process for the National Natural Science Foundation projects and to improve the quality and number of funded proposals, the National Institute for Radiological Protection has proactively managed the preparation work. It has kept abreast of the progress in writing applications and the one-on-one expert reviews, leading to the convening of the National Natural Science Foundation Project Application Expert Consultation Meeting for 2024 on March 1st, 2024.

  • 04, 2024

    National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention Convened a Seminar on Innovative Development of National Demonstration Areas for Comprehensive Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

    On January 23, 2024, the National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention (NCNCD, China CDC) convened a seminar in Beijing on the innovative development of National Demonstration Areas for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases. The meeting, chaired by Deputy Director Zhou Maigeng of NCNCD, China CDC, was attended by over ten experts and scholars in the fields of chronic disease prevention and control and informatics from the National Health Commission, disease control systems at all levels nationwide, medical and health institutions, and research institutes. They discussed the informatization construction and high-quality development of the demonstration areas.

  • 14, 2024

    Chinese CDC Delegation, Including Academician Xu Jianguo, Participated in Seminar on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases and Technical Exchanges in Sierra Leone

    From January 10 to 12.Center for Global Public Health of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention(China CDC)collaborated with the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health to host a seminar on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and technical exchanges in Freetown.Sierra Leone.The seminar was attended by experts from China CDC including Academician Xu Jianguo, Chief Expert of Virology Dong Xiaoping, Director of the National Institute of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention Kan Biao.

  • 02, 2024

    China CDC and European CDC Hold Technical Exchange Meeting on Public Health Workforce Development and Training

    On January 16, 2024, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) held a technical exchange meeting on public health workforce development and training via an online conference. The meeting saw participation from Adam Roth, head of the ECDC's Fellowship Program, Emeline Bell and Anna Kiss, ECDC international relations officers as well as experts and officers from the Office of Education and Training and Office of International Cooperation of the China CDC.

  • 30, 2024

    Graduate School Hosts Series of Special Lectures on Public Health Practice for MPH Applied Master's Students

    From January 2nd to 6th, 2024, the Graduate School held a week-long series of special lectures on public health practice for Master of Public Health (MPH) students at Changping teaching area. These lectures brought together experts from the National Health Commission, the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, medical schools, and disease control institutions to teach the entire 2023 cohort of MPH students. The series was chaired by Liu Xuetong, Deputy Director of the Teaching Department of the Graduate School.

  • 26, 2024

    Leveraging Global High-Quality Scientific Literature Databases to Enhance the Research Capabilities of the Center

    In today's era, the acquisition and utilization of information resources have become increasingly important. With robust support from the center's leadership and its affiliated units, the Information Center has introduced a series of high-quality domestic and international literature databases. This initiative aims to provide researchers and graduate students with more comprehensive and convenient academic resources.

  • 23, 2024

    China's First WHO Collaborating Centre for Injury Prevention and Control Established

    On January 15, 2024, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) was officially approved to establish China's first World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Injury Prevention and Control. The WHO has designated the Injury Prevention and Control and Mental Health Division of National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicabe Disease Control and Prevention (NCNCD), China CDC as the Collaborating Centre, with Researcher Duan Leilei serving as its director. This marks the second WHO Collaborating Centre within the NCNCD, China CDC.