China CDC Working Meeting on International Cooperation 2024 Convenes in Beijing
On April 16, 2024, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) held its annual working meeting on international cooperation in Beijing. Prof Shen Hongbing, director general of the China CDC attended the meeting and delivered opening remarks.
In his speech, Prof Shen Hongbing fully affirmed the significant progress in international cooperation that China CDC made in 2023. He stressed the importance of international engagement in the field of disease control and prevention, calling on strong commitment to international and global health cooperation, and strategical planning for next step in the new era. Prof Shen set forth five key directives for advancing this work, including: (1) to scientifically plan programs and activities; (2) to proactively expand channels for financing and funding; (3) to highlight the importance of multifaceted talents development; (4) to strengthen collaboration with provincial CDCs; and (5) to continuously improve the institutional development of international cooperation.
The meeting reviewed the work of international cooperation in 2023 and set forth key priorities for 2024. Additionally, there were discussions on topics including compliance with the formalities pertaining international cooperation, WHO Collaborating Centre application and management, international conferences organization, and international partnership fostering and maintaining.

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