China CDC researcher attends ICOH 2022
Dr. Sun Xin, director at the National Institute for Occupational Health and Poison Control of the China CDC, was invited to participate the 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022) as a semi-plenary speaker and presented a talk on the general theme of “Reform of Occupational Health Authority in China and its perspectives” at the Congress.
Dr. Sun overviews historical reforms of occupational health management and supervision system in China in the past 70 years and introduces three national action plans on the protection of worker health including occupational health protection campaign, action plan for the prevention and control of pneumoconiosis and healthy enterprise initiative.
The International Commission on Occupational Health, ICOH has been founded in 1906, which is the oldest and largest scientific association in the field of occupational health, with a membership of over 2,000 from more than 100 countries. It is affiliated with the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization.
The theme of ICOH 2022 is “Sharing Solutions in Occupational Health through and beyond the Pandemic”, to be held in digital format from 6 to 10 February 2022. Topics of the ICOH 2022 included the prevention of infectious diseases at workplace, mental health and return to work, silicosis, 24 hours work cycle, basic occupational health services in low-income countries and working in the changing climate.
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