Director General Shen Hongbing Attends the 1st Conference of the G20 National Public Health Institutes
On September 9–10, 2024, Prof. Shen Hongbing, Director General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), was invited to attend the 1st Conference of the G20 National Public Health Institutes(NPHIs) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Prof. Shen delivered a speech under the theme “Preparedness and response to health emergencies.” He shared China CDC’s experiences and initiatives in optimizing health emergency response systems, capacity building, and involvement in international emergency actions. In alignment with the topic “Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (PPR),” Prof. Shen participated in a panel discussion with leaders from NPHIs of Germany, Cuba, and others. They exchanged insights on addressing challenges related to vaccine production and distribution, cross-border information sharing for monitoring, and the training and stability of emergency response teams.
The 1st Conference of the G20 NPHIs was co-hosted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, NPHI of Brazil (the G20 chair country) , the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), and the Africa CDC. The conference aimed to strengthen collaboration among G20 member public health institutions and advance the G20 health agenda. The conference addressed four thematic areas: preparedness and response to health emergencies, climate and health, equity and health, and resilient health systems. Over 50 representatives, including leaders from more than 20 IANPHI member institutions, participated in the conference.

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