China CDC holds on high-level of pathogenic microorganisms labs biosafety training
The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) started this year's first training class on the topic of biosafety in high-level laboratories of pathogenic microorganisms on Aug 21.
The class attracted 48 representatives from 24 institutions across the country.
At the opening ceremony, Zainawudong Yushan, deputy director general of China CDC, emphasized the laboratories' importance in prevention and control of infectious diseases and introduced the current situation of high-level pathogenic microorganism laboratories in China, expert teams at the training bases, and development of high-level laboratories.
He expressed his hope that all the trainees can enhance communication and cooperation during the 30-day training and contribute their strengths to laboratory management.
After the ceremony, Wu Jingcheng, from the Department of Science and Education of the National Health Commission, gave the first lecture on approval of highly pathogenic pathogen microorganism experimental activities to the class.
China CDC is one of the first six national high-level laboratory biosafety training bases in the country.
The training class is expected to guide the trainees to examine and analyze the laboratory biosafety work from different perspectives, and collectively enhance the operational and management capabilities of laboratories to detect unsafe environments.


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