China CDC holds training course on prevention of falls among the elderly
Falls are the main cause of injury and relative deaths and the top reason for injury-based medical treatment among senior citizens in China. They may also lead to traumatic fractures that can severely affect the elderly's physical and mental health and quality of life.
The National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention of the China CDC ("the center") organized the 2022 National Training Online Course on prevention of falls among the elderly from July 6 to 7, aiming at popularizing the skills of preventing falls, promoting an intervention project in the community and sharing related experiences.
Moderated by Duan Leilei, director of the injury prevention and mental health department of the center, the training course attracted about 2,300 officials and leaders from national, provincial and county-level CDCs.

Guo Haoyan, deputy secretary of National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC, gives a speech on the 2022 National Training Online Course held from July 6 to 7. [Photo/]

Duan Leilei, director of the Division of Injury Prevention and Mental Health, National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC, moderates the 2022 National Training Online Course held from July 6 to 7. [Photo/]
Er Yuliang, an associate researcher of the division of injury prevention and mental health of the national center for chronic and non-communicable disease control and prevention, explained the theory and methods of prevention and control of falls among the elderly, the intervention project in the community and a tutorial on Health Education on Falls Prevention among the Elderly.

Er Yuliang, associate researcher of the Division of Injury Prevention and Mental Health, National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention, gives a lecture in the 2022 National Training Online Course held from July 6 to 7. [Photo/]
Ma Xinyan, director of the provincial-level center for chronic diseases of the Shijiazhuang CDC, Hebei province, and Lu Xiaoxue, a physician of the community health service center of Baiyun District, Guangzhou province, shared their experiences in the work of the health education group for the prevention of falls among the elderly.
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