Tips for shopping during COVID-19
1.Check your personal protective equipment and finish shopping as quickly as possible
Wear a mask before going shopping. Because the supermarket is a closed environment, wearing a mask is the best protective measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through respiratory droplets.
Pay attention to hand hygiene. You can use hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
Avoid touching public objects. Don't touch your face, eyes, mouth and nose with your hands. Wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer before touching these parts.
Cover your mouth and nose with you elbow or tissue when coughing and sneezing, wrap up the secretions in a tissue and discard them in the dustbin.
Go to supermarkets and stores that have good prevention and control measures. You can check whether they maintain good ventilation, keep a good flow of customers, conduct health monitoring, and have fully disinfected public supplies, facilities and areas.
Don’t touch food with your bare hands when shopping. When selecting raw and cold foods such as meat and seafood, you should package them separately from fruits, vegetables and cooked foods.
Avoid rush hour, make a shopping list in advance, and don’t spend too much time in supermarkets or vegetable markets.
When shopping, keep a social distance of at least one meter from others and don’t pull down your mask to talk or eat.
2.Pay attention to personal protection when collecting goods bought online
When shopping online, you should choose certified online stores to avoid buying goods from unknown sources.
Try to choose non-contact methods, such as using intelligent mail & parcel lockers to receive delivery boxes.
Wear masks and gloves and maintain social distancing when picking up delivery boxes.
Packaging should not be brought into the room. When it is necessary to bring them in, disinfectant wipes can be used to clean them first.
Wash your hands with running water after removing the delivery packaging.
3.Store food properly
Proper storage methods keep food fresh and hygienic.
When storing grain, you should make sure to store it in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area and out of direct sunlight.
When storing fruits and vegetables, you can refrigerate them, but the storage time should not be too long.
Do not repeatedly thaw and refreeze meat or seafood.
When cooking frozen fresh foods, be sure to cook and boil them thoroughly.
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