Packing list for makeshift hospital quarantine during COVID-19
The China CDC has made a list of personal belongings you need to take if you have to be quarantined in a makeshift hospital during COVID-19.
Identification: ID card or passport.
Daily items: personal items, water cups, toiletries, women's hygiene products, casual clothes, shoes and socks, and disposable underwear if necessary.
Health-related items: medical card or medical insurance card. Those with basic diseases should take enough medicine, and provide medical staff at the makeshift hospital with treatment records.
Work and leisure items: electronic devices, chargers and books.
COVID-19 prevention: masks, hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes.
Other items: A small amount of food can be taken if needed, but perishable fresh fruit should be avoided. People with sleep disorders can bring their own eye masks and earplugs.
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