Radiation Medicine and Protection

chinacdc.cn | Updated: 2022-01-05
Radiation Medicine and Protection is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal co-published by the National Institute of Radiological Protection (NIRP) of the China CDC and the State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection of Soochow University. The journal provides an international forum for information sharing and exchange in basic research, medical development and technological advances in areas of radiation medicine, radiation biology, nuclear medicine, radiology, radiotherapy, and radiation protection.
The journal is committed to the rapid publication of quality manuscripts that report advances in the peaceful and responsible use of nuclear energy in medicine as well as the public health aspect of radiation. The journal solicits contributions that address biological effects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, the beneficial application of nuclear technology, especially dose optimization and avoidance of tissue injury in medical diagnosis and treatment, and radiation protection for the public.
ISSN 2097-0439
eISSN 2666-5557
CN 10-1773/R