European Academy of Microbiology Academician Ramon Antonio Rosselló-Móra Delivers Academic Lecture at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
On October 29, 2024, at the invitation of Academician Xu Jianguo, Director of the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Tracking and Forecasting for Infectious Diseases (NITFID) at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC), Professor Ramon Antonio Rosselló-Móra, Academician of the European Academy of Microbiology, Professor at the Spanish National Research Council, and Head of the Marine Microbiome Group at the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies, visited the China CDC headquarters. During his visit, he delivered an academic lecture titled “From Genus to Intraspecific Diversity: Genomics and Metagenomics Reveal Discreteness and Ecological Meaning of Genetic Diversity.” The event was attended by over 100 participants, including staff from the China CDC headquarters, affiliated institutions, and graduate students. The lecture was chaired by Academician Xu Jianguo.
In his lecture, Professor Ramon Antonio Rosselló-Móra presented his findings that microorganisms at the genus or species level consist of discrete genomic groups. He highlighted that maintaining a specific degree of genetic diversity is crucial for the persistence and ecological success of microorganisms in particular habitats. This insight explains why certain genera and species dominate specific ecosystems.
After the lecture, attendees engaged in in-depth discussions with Professor Rosselló-Móra on topics such as metagenomics and gut microbiota. The event sparked strong interest among researchers in this field and offered valuable insights and guidance for work in microbiology and health-related research.

Opening remarks delivered by Academician Xu Jianguo [Photo/]

Professor Ramon Antonio Rosselló-Móra delivering his lecture[Photo/]
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