China CDC co-organizes webinar "End Neglected Tropical Diseases"
On the occasion of the World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day (World NTD Day), the Webinar "End Neglected Tropical Diseases through WHO Collaborating Centres Networking", jointly organized by seven WHO Collaborating Centers (WHO CCs), was held on Jan 30, 2023.
The webinar was presided over by Dr. Zhou Xiaonong, director of the National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, China CDC (which is also the WHO Collaborating Center for Tropical Diseases). Dr. Socé Fall, director of Department of Neglected Tropical Diseases of WHO, Shen Hongbing, director of China CDC and Professor Jürg Utzinger, the director of Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, attended and addressed the event.
Shen said in his address that ending neglected tropical diseases, as a key part of achieving the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, needs more attention and more resources. He proposed that a WHO Collaborating Centers Network on NTDs should be established.

Shen Hongbing, director of China CDC, delivering a speech during the Webinar to "End Neglected Tropical Diseases" held on Jan 30, 2023. [Photo/]
Officials from WHO headquarter and Western Pacific region reported on the current situation and global actions taken to eliminate NTDs, as well as the role of and challenges faced by WHO CCs related to NTDs.
Experts at the webinar exchanged views on how to strengthen the role of the WHO CCs on NTDs and promote cooperation among the centers.
At the end of the webinar, seven institutes signed an online agreement and launched the Network of WHO Collaborating Centers Related to NTDs, which aims to provide a platform for WHO CCs and international societies engaged in the work related to NTDs to jointly combat the diseases.

Experts exchange views via video link during the Webinar "End Neglected Tropical Diseases" held on Jan 30, 2023.[Photo/]
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