How to deal with influenza A? | Updated: 2023-03-03
Some schools in Beijing and Shanghai have seen an increase in the number of fever patients recently, while health authorities in Hebei, Anhui and other provinces have also detected a rise in influenza A infection. 
It's necessary for everyone to know about the virus.

What is influenza A?
Influenza viruses are divided into four types: A, B, C, and D. 
Influenza A is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by the type A virus.
The population is generally susceptible to the virus, which is highly contagious.
Symptoms of influenza A
Influenza A often causes symptoms more severe than the common cold.
The infected are likely to experience a high fever — with the body temperatures reaching 39°C or higher, chills and shivering.
They may also experience muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.
How to prevent influenza A?
Receive influenza vaccines to reduce the probability of catching flu and developing severe and critical conditions.
Refrain from going to crowded places during the flu season.
Wear masks and maintain good hand hygiene.
Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory illnesses as much as possible.
What should schools do?
Tell students to wear masks in the correct manner and wash their hands frequently.
Open windows to make sure classroom are well ventilated.
Disinfect key locations, such as bathrooms, canteens, stair handrails and doorknobs.
Implement inspections twice a day and register absent students who have fallen ill.
Students identified as confirmed cases are required to stay at home until their temperatures return to normal and symptoms have disappeared for 48 hours.