How to maintain breast health?
Breast health is very important for women. Some generally recognized caring methods include the following:
Regular exercise
Proper exercise can promote blood circulation and lymph drainage, as well as control hormone levels.
The lymphatic system around the mammary glands helps the body remove waste and toxins, and exercise can improve lymphatic circulation and aid in the draining of lymphatic fluid. In addition, exercise can help reduce body weight and reduce the risk of obesity and breast disease.
Balanced diet
Currently, some of the commonly seen functional foods on the market include soybean isoflavones, evening primrose oil, spirulina, and enzymes. However, their health benefits on mammary glands have not yet been scientifically proven, and their safety assessment requires further research.
A balanced diet is key to keeping breasts healthy. It is recommended to eat more sea fish, soy products, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Intake of saturated fatty acids and high-sugar foods should be reduced, and alcohol should be consumed in moderation.
Relaxed mood
Excessive psychological pressure is harmful to the human endocrine system. It can lead to abnormal hormone levels in women, which in turn affects breast health. Try to relieve stress through proper exercise, relaxation, strengthening social interaction, and regular sleep.
Comfortable fitting
Wearing a tight-fitting bra for a long time will affect the flow of mammary lymph nodes, potentially causing lymph stasis in the breast and increasing the risk of disease. In addition, tight clothing can create friction and pressure on the skin around the breasts, which can lead to itching, pain, and inflammation.
Therefore, women don't need to wear tight bras at home. Try to choose comfortable bras if necessary.
Monthly self-examination can help detect abnormalities such as nipple discharge and lumps. Self-examination is most effective when performed 7 to 10 days after menstruation, when the breasts are relatively soft. The examination can be done in the order of observing and touching, from the periphery to the center.
Gently press the breast with your fingers, first check whether there are sunken spots, hard lumps, pain or any other abnormal sensations on the skin of the surface of the breast; then put pressure on it to check whether there are lumps, induration and tenderness inside the breast; finally, gently squeeze the nipple to check for any fluid discharge.
Periodic physical examination
Women after the age of 35 are recommended to have a breast examination once a year.
Imaging methods mainly include ultrasonography, mammography, and breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A breast ultrasound can examine the structure and blood flow inside the breast. For women with multiple breast masses and high-risk groups, a breast MRI is important to improve the accuracy of any diagnosis.
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