Key messages on healthy weight
Maintain a healthy weight
People of all ages should exercise every day to their energy balance and a healthy weight.
A smaller body weight can easily increase the risk of osteoporosis. Being overweight can lead to obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
Measure BMI regularly
Body mass index (BMI): BMI (kg / ㎡) = weight (kg) / height 2 (㎡)
Adults aged 18 and over:
A body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 means underweight
18.5 ≤ BMI < 24 means normal weight
24 ≤ BMI < 28 means overweight
BMI ≥ 28 means obesity
Maintain a healthy waistline
Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity are the causes of abdominal obesity. Control your waistline and prevent abdominal obesity. It is recommended that men's waistline should not exceed 85cm and women's should not exceed 80cm.
Balance eating and exercising
The weight of healthy adults depends on the balance between energy intake and energy consumption. If long-term energy intake is greater than consumption, it results in weight gain; if long-term consumption is greater than intake, it results in weight loss.
Follow the health tip of walking 10,000 steps a day, balancing eating and exercising. A healthy weight can be maintained through a reasonable diet and scientific exercises.
Have a regular diet
It is recommended to eat more than 12 kinds of food per day and more than 25 kinds per week. Adults are advised to choose a diet low in energy, fat, sugar, salt and rich in vitamins and high-quality proteins. Eat regularly and avoid overeating.
Carry out moderate intensity physical activities
It is recommended to carry out moderate intensity physical activities for five days every week, with the combined time exceeding 150 minutes. Keep daily physical activities and walk an average of 6,000 steps a day. Try to reduce sedentary time and to get up and move for a while every hour.
Make a rational weight loss plan
Overweight and obese people should make a long-term weight loss plan, but don't try to lose weight too fast.
Reduce the intake of fat, increase exercise time and intensity, and keep records of diet, physical activities and weight changes.
Pay attention to weight from childhood
Obesity in children will not only affect their physical and mental health, but also increase their risk of obesity in adulthood. The main treatment methods of childhood obesity are diet control, behavior modification and exercise guidance. Children and adolescents should reduce sedentary time and do regular exercise.
The elderly should exercise according to their ability
The elderly do not need to put too much emphasis on weight loss. It is recommended to conduct balance exercises and fall prevention activities at least three times a week, and increase muscle training appropriately.
Integrate exercise into daily life
Instead of driving, walk or ride a bike to work. Instead of taking elevators use stairs, and do regular stretching exercises to reduce sedentary time. Do more housework and take more walks at home, and reduce the time of watching TV, and using your mobile phone and other electronic devices. Take varied exercises, and balance life and work.
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