Key messages on oil reduction
Know cooking oil
Oil is an important source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. It helps with the absorption and utilization of fat-soluble vitamins in food, but excessive intake of fat can lead to obesity and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
Control daily oil intake
It is recommended that daily cooking oil intake for a healthy adult should be no more than 25-30 grams.
Use a measuring oil pot
Use a measuring oil pot with a scale, quantify the use of cooking oil for every meal and thus control the total amount of its intake.
Cook with less oil
The amount of oil used in various cooking methods is different. Try to choose methods that do not use any or just a small amount of oil, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, braising and cold tossing, cold mixing and quick frying.
Avoid deep frying
Some foods such as bread, steamed bread, potato chips and eggs will absorb more oil during deep frying. It’s best to avoid deep frying.
Eat less fried food
Avoid fried drumsticks or chicken wings, French fries, fried dough sticks, oil cakes and other fried foods. Eat food cooked with less oil.
Avoid animal fats
The proportion of saturated fatty acids in animal fats is high. Excessive intake of animal fats will increase the risk of obesity. We should reduce the amount and frequency of using animal fats, or replace them with vegetable oil. It is recommended to alternate different kinds of vegetable oil.
Avoid trans-fatty acids
Excessive intake of trans-fatty acids will increase the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, interfere with metabolism, and affect the development and growth of children's nervous systems. Intake of trans-fatty acids should be no more than 2 grams per day.
Avoid leftover sauce
When cooking, some oil will stay in the sauce. It is recommended not to have sauce, especially when mixed with rice.
Read nutrition facts
Read nutrition facts when buying packaged foods, and choose less oily foods, and foods that do not contain trans-fatty acids.
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