Pay attention to mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
Hospitals across the country have recently seen a large number of patients infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae, with children making up the majority. These children often experience symptoms such as fever and a dry cough. Following are frequently asked questions about this infection.
What should we do if a child is infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae?
Make sure the child gets adequate rest and improves nutrient intake.
A child infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae should rest and maintain a nutritious diet. It is unwise to let children go to school while they are sick, as sufficient rest during illness helps in the recovery process. A diet of easily digestible food is recommended, with more frequent but smaller meals. It is also recommended to increase the intake of nutrients such as meat, eggs, and milk.
Take body temperatures.
A temperature of 38.5°C is not the only criterion by which to decide whether to take fever-reducing medication or not. The main purpose of bringing down the body temperature is to alleviate discomfort and help the sick child safely get through the fever stage. For babies over six months old, either ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used as a fever reducer.
It should be noted that using the two medications together does not increase the effectiveness of fever reduction. Instead, it increases the risk of adverse reactions. It is also not recommended to alternate between the two medications.
Follow the doctor's instructions on medication.
It is not recommended to self-administer antibiotics, or to stop medication once the symptoms improve. Medication use should strictly follow directions and doctor's instructions.
Enhance care and maintain hygiene.
Make sure that the sick child drinks plenty of warm water to keep the respiratory tract moist. Gentle tapping on the child's back can help with expectoration. Pay attention to indoor ventilation and ensure that families with multiple children take appropriate isolation measures to prevent cross-infection.
How to prevent mycoplasma pneumoniae infection?
Currently, there is no vaccine against mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.
It is important to enhance physical fitness and maintain good personal hygiene habits. When hanging out, avoid crowded places and wash hands frequently. At home, open windows to bring in fresh air and keep a clean environment. Children with conditions such as eczema, rhinitis, allergies, or underlying diseases should take extra precautions.
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