Key information about tuberculosis prevention and control for different demographics
1. General public
Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease that can have serious long-term effects.
Tuberculosis is an airborne disease and anyone can be infected.
Avoid spitting, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, and wear a mask to reduce the spread of tuberculosis.
People who have a cough that produces phlegm for more than two weeks should immediately get checked for tuberculosis at the hospital.
Washing hands regularly, maintaining good ventilation and enough physical exercise are effective ways to prevent TB.
2. Medical staff
Patients who have a cough that produces phlegm for more than two weeks should be suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis.
Treat TB patients with standardized whole-process diagnosis, treatment and management.
Suspected and confirmed tuberculosis cases need to be reported, referred and registered legally.
Provide health education to TB patients and their families.
3. TB patients
People with tuberculosis should maintain physical distance from others and cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing.
People with tuberculosis should spit sputum in a covered spittoon with disinfectant, a sterile wet wipe or a sealed sputum bag.
People with tuberculosis should not go to crowded public places. If they must go, they should wear masks.
People with tuberculosis treated at home should stay in separate rooms from others, keep the room ventilated, and wear masks to prevent family members from becoming infected.
Tuberculosis is preventable and curable. Nutrition and exercise can improve the immunity system and help prevent tuberculosis.
4.Close contacts
For those with a latent infection of tuberculosis, preventive medicine can reduce the rate of incidence.
Patients need to take medicine on time, have regular reexaminations, and complete standardized treatment.
Go to hospital and seek for medical help in time in the case of a cough that produces phlegm.
Maintain good indoor ventilation and ensure personal protection.
5. Teachers
Tuberculosis examination is one of the routine physical examinations done in schools.
Teachers have an obligation to carry out health education on tuberculosis prevention and treatment for students, and urge students who cough and produce phlegm for more than two weeks to seek medical treatment immediately.
The school should manage the suspension and resumption of schooling for any student diagnosed with TB according to the diagnosis of tuberculosis designated medical and health institutions.
6. Students
Students should initially report to the school without concealing any suspected symptoms of TB or having been diagnosed with TB.
Develop the habit of maintaining good indoor ventilation.
All students should ensure they maintain adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and enough physical exercise to improve their resistance to tuberculosis.
7. Migrants
Patients should try to stay in their place of residence to complete the whole treatment. If they have to leave, they should inform the competent doctor; the doctor should handle the transfer procedures for them, so that patients can continue to receive treatment after returning home.
After returning home or to a new location, patients should continue to receive treatment and management at local tuberculosis designated medical institutions.
8. Volunteers
Everyone should participate in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Publicizing tuberculosis knowledge, improving people's awareness of self-prevention, and improving patients' compliance.
Maintain personal protection.
Take care of patients and eliminate discrimination against those with tuberculosis.
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