COVID-19 prevention tips for children aged 0-3
So far, there is no COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of three. So how can we protect them? Here are some health tips for parents and caregivers.
1.When looking after infants and young children, parents or caregivers should have themselves well protected, ensure personal hygiene habits and daily health monitoring, wear masks, maintain hand hygiene, keep social distance, and never sneeze or cough at children.
2.Items of daily care for infants and young children should be handled separately. Parents, guardians or caregivers should help the children to develop good hygiene habits, including washing hands frequently, not touching everywhere, not putting hands into their mouth, not picking their nose and not rubbing their eyes.
3.Parents, guardians, caregivers and staff providing services to infants should be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect themselves and the children.
4.Infants suffering from respiratory diseases should avoid going out. If they have to, they should wear masks correctly.
5.Avoid gathering or going to crowded public places to reduce the risk of infection. Try to shorten the time for children to see a doctor or get vaccinated in the hospital, and make sure they wash their hands after returning home.
6.Parents and caregivers should guide children to pay attention to eye hygiene to prevent myopia. Children should have moderate exercise, keep a healthy diet, and balance playing time and rest to improve their immunity.
7.When parents, caregivers and staff serving children have symptoms such as fever, cough and sore throat, they should try to avoid direct contact with children.
8.Children's rooms should be clean and tidy. Parents should maintain good ventilation for children's rooms, and children should avoid staying in air-conditioned rooms for a long time.
9.During COVID-19, parents and caregivers should follow the local epidemic prevention requirements.
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