Lu Jinxing | Updated: 2024-01-31

Lu Jinxing is a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and serves as the Chief Expert in Health Emergency Response. He is also the Executive Vice Chairman of the Infectious Disease Standards Professional Committee of the National Committee for Disease Prevention and Control Standards, and enjoys a special government allowance from the State Council.
He has led several national major projects including the "Epidemiology and Treatment Technology Research on Super-resistant Bacteria" (12th Five-Year Plan), the "Key Technologies and Transmission Patterns of Pathogen Resistance Detection and Monitoring" (13th Five-Year Plan), and key research and development projects during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
Lu Jinxing has been involved in the development of new drugs such as "Live Combined Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Enterococcus Capsules, Oral" - "BIFICO", which won the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Shanghai. He also led the development of the second-generation microbial preparation - "BIFIDO". Furthermore, he participated in the global development and application of a new coronavirus inactivated vaccine, winning the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Beijing.
In 2008, he participated in earthquake relief efforts in Wenchuan and was awarded the Advanced Individual in Earthquake Relief by the Jiusan Society.
In 2010, he went to the disaster area of the Zhouqu massive debris flow to guide disaster relief and epidemic prevention efforts, and was awarded the title of Advanced Individual in Flood Control and Drought Relief by the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Political Department of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He was also honored as an Advanced Individual in Social Service Work by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society, and awarded the title of Advanced Individual in Disaster Relief by the Gansu Provincial Health Department.
In 2020, he went to Wuhan to participate in the response to the COVID-19 epidemic and was honored as an Advanced Individual in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 by the National Health Commission.
In 2021, he was awarded the title of Outstanding Community Member in Epidemic Prevention and Control by the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Jiusan Society.
In 2022, as a key member of the national expert team for combating the COVID-19 epidemic, his team was awarded the title of "The Most Beautiful Doctor".
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