National Institute of Parasitic Diseases
The National Institute of Parasitic Diseases (NIPD) is the leading center for the control and prevention of parasitic diseases in China. Under the leadership of the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the China CDC, the NIPD is primarily responsible for technical assistance for parasitic disease control and prevention, emergency response to outbreaks, scientific research on parasitic diseases and tropical diseases, international cooperation, education and training, health promotion, and technical services.
In 2017, the Chinese Center for Tropical Disease Research was set up in parallel with the NIPD, i.e., the center and the NIPD are the same institution with two names. In 2015, the WHO Collaborating Center for Malaria, Schistosomiasis and Filariasis (which was designated in 1980) was re-designated as the WHO Collaborating Center for Tropical Diseases. The NIPD has also been designated as a National Center for International Research on Tropical Diseases by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and a Key Laboratory of Parasite & Vector Biology by the National Health and Family Planning Commission; in addition, the National Parasitic Disease Reference Laboratory has been set up in the institute. Currently, the NIPD offers graduate, PhD and postdoctoral programs.
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