National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention

By Cao Zinan in Hainan | | Updated: 2022-01-05
The National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention was established in July 1998 as the National Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health. It was affiliated to the then Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine as a professional institution for HIV/AIDS prevention and control approved by the State Council. On January 23, 2002, it was renamed the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, or NCAIDS/STD, under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the successor of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine.
What we do
1. Carry out epidemic monitoring and epidemiological investigation on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C, analyze the epidemic situation and forecast trends, put forward prevention and control strategies and advice, and evaluate their effectiveness;
2. Formulate technical plans and guidelines on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C, and guide local agencies to implement national AIDS prevention and treatment plans or action plans;
3. Carry out key scientific research and technological development for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C;
4. Carry out quality control for HIV/AIDS laboratory testing;
5. Implement educational programs and promote scientific knowledge on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C, and provide guidance on the comprehensive intervention of sexually transmitted diseases;
6. Carry out national and international exchanges and cooperation in terms of the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C;
7. Undertake postgraduate education programs, provide technical guidance, training and support for AIDS/HIV and hepatitis C prevention and treatment, and participate in emergency responses;
8. Help formulate policies and regulations for HIV/AIDS prevention and control, and provide scientific evidence;
9. Undertake routine work for the State Council AIDS Working Committee Office (SCAWCO) and accomplish other tasks entrusted by the China CDC.