National Center for Rural Water Supply Technical Guidance

By Cao Zinan in Hainan | | Updated: 2022-01-05
The National Center for Rural Water Supply Technical Guidance (NCRWSTG) was established in 1991. Formerly called the China Rural Water Supply Technical Center, it is responsible for nationwide operational guidance and technical service in rural water supply and latrine improvement. Since 1996, it has managed the World Bank-financed China Rural Water Supply and Sanitation projects. On January 23, 2002, it was renamed the National Center for Rural Water Supply Technical Guidance under the China CDC and took on a focus on rural water supply and latrine improvement.
The NCRWSTG has established and improved the National Rural Drinking Water Quality Monitoring System and the National Rural Sanitation Surveillance System. It has also carried out nationwide surveys on rural drinking water and sanitation as well as other studies related to rural drinking water and sanitation, providing a solid foundation and technical support for the rural latrine revolution and improved sanitation conditions. 
What we do
1. Carry out work concerning rural drinking water sanitation as well as the prevention and control of related diseases, and provide technical support and advice for the formulation of relevant laws, regulations, policies, plans and programs;
2. Formulate technical programs, guidelines, standards and criteria for rural drinking water sanitation and environmental health, provide technical support for rural patriotic health campaigns and carry out health education and hygiene promotion;
3. Carry out surveillance and evaluation of rural drinking water sanitation and environmental health as well as investigation into and risk assessment of related hazardous factors, and develop intervention measures;
4. Participate in public health emergency responses;
5. Carry out scientific research on rural drinking water sanitation and environmental health, evaluate the effects of scientific research achievements and new technologies, and promote their application;
6. Carry out postgraduate education, continuing education and training on rural drinking water sanitation and environmental health;
7. Provide guidance to local CDCs for the implementation of rural drinking water and environmental health monitoring projects, and participate in the assessment and evaluation of professionals;
8. Carry out international cooperation and exchanges on related areas and participate in relevant international aid tasks;
9. Accomplish other tasks entrusted by the China CDC such as conducting scientific research on rural drinking water hygiene and sanitation, evaluating and assessing scientific outputs and new techniques as well as scaling-up work, and implementing postgraduate education, further education and technical training on rural drinking water and sanitation.