National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention

By Cao Zinan in Hainan | | Updated: 2022-01-05
The National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention (ICDC) was formerly the Epidemiology Research Institute established in 1953 under the then Ministry of Health. The ICDC mainly conducts research on and provides professional support for the prevention and control of plague, cholera and other bacterial infectious diseases. Its work covers food-borne diseases, infections caused by Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Bartonella, Spirochaeta, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Coxiella, animal origin pathogens, newly-discovered pathogens, and outbreak investigation and vector control. It also conducts research on antibiotic resistance, hospital-related infection, bacterial infectious disease laboratory surveillance technology, genome epidemiology and bioinformatics. Research centers affiliated with the ICDC include the State Key Laboratory for Communicable Disease Prevention and Control and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management. 
What we do:
1. Carry out scientific and technological research and development in terms of the prevention and control of bacterial and fungal diseases and provide technical support for the formulation of relevant policies, regulations, plans and standards;
2. Formulate technical plans and guidelines for the prevention and control of bacterial and fungal diseases, and provide technical guidance, assessment and evaluation for the prevention and control of bacterial and fungal diseases nationwide;
3. Carry out national surveillance of bacterial and fungal diseases and take responsibility for the formulation of surveillance plans, operation and management of surveillance systems, digitization of surveillance systems and analysis of surveillance data;
4. Carry out and participate in emergency responses to major outbreaks of bacterial and fungal diseases and public health emergencies, and build up relevant technological know-how;
5. Establish and manage a national reference system for laboratory monitoring and diagnosis of bacterial and fungal diseases, monitor drug resistance of important pathogens, and participate in monitoring and control of iatrogenic infections;
6. Carry out surveillance, investigation and control on vectors and animal hosts of infectious diseases;
7. Carry out technical training, postgraduate education, health education and public exchanges on the prevention and control of bacteria, fungal diseases, vectors and host animals;
8. Participate in global health programs for the prevention and control of bacteria, fungal diseases, vectors and host animals, and carry out relevant international cooperation and exchanges;
9. Accomplish other tasks entrusted by the China CDC.